Soft and Hard Tissue Augmentation in Combination with Orthodontic Treatment:
Expanding the limits of Orthodontics and Boosting the Multidisciplinary Treatments
Dr. Federico Brugnami, Italy
Dr. Brugnami presents the rationale of Surgically Facilitated Orthodontic Treatment and the use of different techniques in regenerative orthodontics. He further discusses the selection of biomaterials such as cerabone® and mucoderm® based on their different properties.
Dr. Brugnami obtained his doctoral degree at “La Sapienza” University of Rome. He is author of several publications and a book chapter on Bone Grafting and Regeneration, Implants and Osteogenic Orthodontic. Dr. Brugnami maintains a Practice Limited to Periodontics, Implants and Perio-Orthodontics in Rome and London.
mucoderm® is an acellular collagen matrix derived from porcine dermis that can be applied to augment the soft tissue as an alternative to autologous connective tissue grafts.